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Hire controller Jobs

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Hire controller job description

A Hire Controller is a pivotal role in the rental industry. Their primary responsibilities involve managing the hire process from start to finish: from processing orders, scheduling delivery and collection, to ensuring customer satisfaction. They liaise closely with customers to address queries and handle complaints, while also coordinating with drivers and yard teams to ensure efficient operations. Accurate record-keeping and diligent attention to detail are pivotal in this role. With a strong focus on customer service, the Hire Controller plays a crucial role in maintaining client relationships and ensuring repeat business. This role may also entail administrative tasks such as invoicing and report generation.Here are the cities with the most job offers for Hire controller: London Bristol (City of Bristol) Liverpool (Merseyside) Coventry Inverness.The average salary is £36,000.List of companies recruiting Hire controller: Gap Speedy Services Jacobs.The different types of contract available: Temporary Internship Freelance.Jobijoba has over 1568 job offers for Hire controller.

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