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Fitness instructor Jobs

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Fitness instructor job description

A Fitness Instructor is a certified professional who leads and motivates individuals or groups in exercise activities, including cardiovascular exercises, strength training, and stretching. They work in a variety of venues such as gyms, fitness centres, and sometimes in private settings. Key responsibilities include designing tailored fitness regimes, providing advice on health and nutrition, ensuring correct technique, maintaining fitness equipment, and tracking clients' progress. A Fitness Instructor should possess a high level of physical fitness, excellent communication skills, and a deep understanding of human anatomy and physiology. They must also hold appropriate fitness qualifications and First Aid certification. This role is ideal for those passionate about health and fitness and who enjoy encouraging others to improve their wellbeing.Here are the cities with the most job offers for Fitness instructor: London Manchester Brighton Cardiff Derby.The average salary is £23,100.List of companies recruiting Fitness instructor: Marriott Bupa Hand Picked Hotels.The different types of contract available: Temporary Internship Freelance.Jobijoba has over 632 job offers for Fitness instructor.

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