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Handyman Jobs

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Handyman job description

A Handyman is a versatile and skilled professional who carries out a range of maintenance and repair tasks for residential or commercial properties. Their duties may include fixing plumbing systems, providing repair guidance, cleaning and remodeling community spaces, and performing repair assessments. Handymen may also be required to respond to emergency call-outs and carry out seasonal maintenance tasks. This role demands a broad knowledge in various trade skills like carpentry, plumbing, electrical, and general home repair. Excellent problem-solving abilities, good communication skills, and physical stamina are key traits for this profession. It's a hands-on role that can provide a high level of satisfaction for those who enjoy fixing issues and improving property conditions. A Handyman position may require a driving license and relevant qualifications.Here are the cities with the most job offers for Handyman: London Birmingham (West Midlands) Manchester Nottingham (Nottinghamshire) Oxford.The average salary is £36,100.List of companies recruiting Handyman: Daniel Owen Randstad Accor.The different types of contract available: Temporary Internship Freelance.Jobijoba has over 1372 job offers for Handyman.

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