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Head of estates Jobs

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Head of estates job description

As a Head of Estates, you will hold a pivotal role within an organisation, overseeing the strategic and operational management of all properties and land. Your responsibilities may include managing property portfolios, directing facility operations, ensuring compliance with health and safety regulations, and supervising maintenance and repair works. You may also liaise with external contractors and stakeholders, negotiate leases and manage budgets. This role requires strong leadership skills, excellent communication abilities, and a deep understanding of property management. Prior experience in a similar role, as well as relevant qualifications in property management or a related field, is typically required.Here are the cities with the most job offers for Head of estates: Ashton-under-Lyne Newcastle Upon Tyne (Tyne and Wear) London Manchester Glasgow (Glasgow City).The average salary is £80,550.List of companies recruiting Head of estates: Gap Carrington West Service Care Solutions.The different types of contract available: Temporary Internship Freelance.Jobijoba has over 1056 job offers for Head of estates.

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