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Recovery nurse Jobs

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Recovery nurse job description

A Recovery Nurse, also known as a Post-Anaesthesia Care Unit (PACU) Nurse, plays a critical role in the post-operative care of patients. Their main responsibility involves monitoring and aiding patients in their recovery from anaesthesia following surgery. Recovery Nurses assess vital signs, manage pain, and detect any signs of complications. Their compassionate care helps patients regain consciousness safely and comfortably. This role requires strong communication skills to effectively liaise with doctors, other nurses, and patients' families. A Recovery Nurse must be a registered nurse, often with additional specialised training in critical care or anaesthesia. The job demands a high level of precision, quick decision-making skills, and a deep understanding of post-operative care procedures.Here are the cities with the most job offers for Recovery nurse: London Oxford Bristol (City of Bristol) Harrow Ipswich.The average salary is £52,850.List of companies recruiting Recovery nurse: Nuffield Health.The different types of contract available: Temporary Internship Freelance.Jobijoba has over 1385 job offers for Recovery nurse.

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