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Slinger Jobs

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Slinger job description

A Slinger is a skilled construction professional who operates the signals that guide heavy machinery on a construction site. Their principal duties involve directing cranes and large machinery to transport heavy loads, ensuring all lifting operations are conducted safely and efficiently. They must have a thorough understanding of load capacities, the ability to perform equipment inspections, and proficiency in communicating effectively with crane operators and other construction site personnel. Slingers must also possess a valid CPCS card and adhere to all health and safety regulations. This role is critical for maintaining safety and productivity on construction sites.Here are the cities with the most job offers for Slinger: Plymouth London Birmingham (West Midlands) Leeds Perth.The average salary is £36,450.List of companies recruiting Slinger: VGC Randstad Carbon60.The different types of contract available: Temporary Internship Freelance.Jobijoba has over 537 job offers for Slinger.

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