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Travel manager Jobs

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Travel manager job description

As a Travel Manager, you will be responsible for managing and coordinating all aspects of a company's travel policy. This includes negotiating with vendors for transportation services, hotels, and car rentals to secure the best possible rates and services for employees. In addition, you will oversee the travel budget, ensuring that travel costs are kept to a minimum while still fulfilling the company's travel needs. You will also be expected to stay updated on travel advisories and safety alerts, and to communicate necessary information to travelling employees. Strong organizational skills, excellent communication, and a keen eye for detail are crucial for this role. Prior experience in travel or event coordination is often desired.Here are the cities with the most job offers for Travel manager: London Worcester Gloucester Edinburgh Evesham.The average salary is £44,500.List of companies recruiting Travel manager: Brook Street Adecco.The different types of contract available: Temporary Internship Freelance.Jobijoba has over 17259 job offers for Travel manager.

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